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Transcript / Records Requests

Requesting a Transcript from Todd Beamer High School


Transcript Requests can be made by emailing

You must provide the following information:

  1. Your name
  2. Last year attended or graduated from Todd Beamer High School
  3. ID number if you know it.
  4. What kind of transcript do you need - Official or Unofficial?
  5. Provide your birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy)
  6. Provide your current phone number

Current students: your most recent transcript is located on your StudentVue account under "Documents"

Contact Christy Bryant at 253-945-2773 if you have questions.

Official Transcripts

Official transcripts are embossed and sealed. Please be sure to include address to mail to. Official transcripts cannot be emailed.

Unofficial Transcripts

Unofficial Transcripts can be emailed to you. Please include the email address to send to.

Other Records Requests

Please contact or 253-945-2579 or FAX a records request to 253-945-2799.