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Counselor Availability

Your counselor is here for you!  Please feel free to call or e-mail your school counselor during normal school hours with any question, comment or concern.

Counseling Office:
(253) 945-2671

School Counseling Role

Our goal is to align our program with the American School Counselor Association’s (ASCA) National Model and the district’s strategic plan. The three main domains that guide our practice are academic, career, and social/emotional development. Our aim is to collaborate with students, parents, other education professionals, and the community to promote a positive school atmosphere that is conducive to growth and learning.

Mission Statement

The TBHS Counseling Department utilizes data-driven, evidence-based techniques to empower our students. We collaborate with students, families, teachers, administrators, and community members as we refine a comprehensive school counseling program which suits the ever-changing needs of our student population. Counselors engage in individual, small group, and grade-level support in the domains of academics, college and career readiness, and social-emotional support.

Vision Statement

TBHS counselors strive to help students formulate and actualize their goals, while recognizing and celebrating their individuality and personal cultural context. We seek to advocate for students at both macro and micro levels to foster and maintain a multiculturally attuned, accepting, safe space which promotes and celebrates student wellness, resilience, and individuality. Students will graduate TBHS with the mindset and skills necessary to successfully pursue their post-secondary goals and become valued community members.

Counselor Contact Information

Assignments by Last Name (Grades 9-12)

Counselor Name Assignment Contact Number E-mail
Annie MacKay
Student Last Name A-Er (253) 945-2674
Kelsey Fischer
Student Last Name Es-L (253) 945-2772
Claire Keepers
Student Last Name M-Ro (253) 945-2680
Jesse Nelson
Student Last Name Ru-Z (253) 945-2676

Yolanda Richardson
Counseling Office Secretary

All (253) 945-2671
Alicia Luke
Career & College Specialist
All (253) 945-2581


Request An Appointment With Your Counselor

Outside of these hours, if you have or someone you know has mental health concerns, here are some resources:

If you need someone to talk to, call  206-461-4922 or (866) TEENLINK (833-6546)
If it is urgent, call CCORS crisis line at 206-461-3222

In an emergency, call 911

Course Request Information


Middle School Credit Form

Fill out and sign the middle school credit form, and send it to your/your child's counselor to have high school credits earned in middle school applied to the student transcript. This is typically done for math and world language courses.

Graduation Requirements Credit Analysis

Course Request 9th Grade

Course Request 10th Grade

Course Request 11th Grade

Course Request 12th Grade